
Listing Rules

Last updated: 26/02/2024, 16:55

1. These Listing Rules

We are Jogiton Online Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under number 15010475 and whose registered office is at Mentor House, Ainsworth Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 6AY.

These Listing Rules (the “Rules”) form part of our Terms and Conditions. It is important that you read and understand our Terms and Conditions, which should be read in conjunction with these Rules.

We reserve the right to change these Rules at any time. Amendments will take effect when posted on our Website. Every time you wish to list an item for sale on Jog it on, please check these Rules to ensure you are complying with them. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any major changes.

(If you would like a copy of these Rules in another format (for example audio or large print) please contact us at

2. General Rules

2.1 You must be the absolute unencumbered legal owner with the right to sell any item listed.

2.2 You may not list items in the course of a business. Listing large volumes of an item or listing multiple new items or items that are to be made or modified to order are indicative of a business. Businesses may not sell on Jog it on, it is for consumers only. 

2.3 All items must be accurately described, including any defects, missing parts or alterations and be listed in the correct category.

2.4 Your listing should not link to external websites.

2.5 All photos of your listed item must be taken by you and all description be provided by you. The use of a third party’s photos and information is not permitted.

2.6 No counterfeit items may be listed, including items bearing imitation trade-marks, logos and brand names.

2.7 Copied items and material may not be listed, such as music, books, artwork, instructional manuals, photographs, etc without the copyright owner’s consent.

2.8 Any information you post or upload shall be legal, decent, honest and truthful, shall comply with our Acceptable Use Policy, shall not infringe any third party’s rights, shall not contain any viruses or other malicious computer programming routines and shall not link to any other websites.

3. Prohibited Items

You cannot list and may not sell on Jog it on the following items:

3.1 Counterfeit items

3.2 Anything you may not lawfully sell in the United Kingdom or for which you require a licence to sell, such as stolen items, weapons, drugs and restricted pharmaceutical products, Nazi memorabilia.

3.3 Anything that is unsafe or which may pose a health or safety risk

3.4 Animals and insects, alive or dead

3.5 Human matter

3.6 Services of any description

3.7 Currency

3.8 Food and drink

3.9 Alcohol

3.10 Tobacco products

3.11 Prescription only medicine

3.12 Offensive items or items which have inappropriate content

3.13 Recalled items

3.14 Financial or personal information

3.15 Gambling or lottery items

together with such other categories of items as we may from time to time, in our sole discretion, consider to be inappropriate for Jog it on.

4. Breach of these Rules

4.1 When we consider that a breach of these Rules has occurred, we may take such action as we deem appropriate.

4.2 Failure to comply with these Rules constitutes a breach of our Terms and Conditions and may result in our taking all or any of the following actions:

4.2.1 Require you to make changes to the listing of the item.

4.2.2 Issue a warning to you

4.2.3 The immediate removal without notice of any non-compliant item or material from our Website.

4.2.4 Immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use our Website and our Services.

4.2.5 Disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably feel is necessary or as required by law.

4.3 We exclude our liability for all action we may take in response to breaches of these Rules. The actions we may take are not limited to those described above, and we may take any other action we reasonably deem appropriate.